How To Train Your Hair To Be Less Oily

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Here at HuffPost Finds, we’ve experimented with all of the various ’poo trends, from cleansing conditioners to apple cider vinegar washes. Our judgment? There’s actually no “right” way to wash your hair, but chances are you’re probably washing your hair way too much.

In fact, you should probably only wash your hair with shampoo and conditioner once or twice a week. But because there’s a slight adjustment period before your locks start living their best life, most people who are accustomed to washing their hair more frequently have a hard time slowly stretching out the time between washes.

Now that you have nothing but time on your hands thanks to social distancing because of COVID-19, it’s a good time to experiment with riskier beauty trends you’ve been eyeing from a distancing, like natural deodorant or fewer ’poo washes.

writingDanielle Gonzalez